Here I'm using it to make a mask from the character Juggernaut, from the game DOTA: II.Įdit: I have attached a file for anyone looking to make this themselves. At that point all you have is a paper model, but with the use of things like fiberglass resin you can harden it and make it strong, and then you can apply things like papier mache or Bondo (an auto body filler) and basically make it into a real thing. Awesome right? Well, it doesn't have to stop there.
Each piece has tabs, numbers, and fold lines so that it can be put back together in an actual physical representation of the 3D model. Unfolding refers to the process of breaking the surface area of the 3D model into manageable pieces that can be printed onto paper or cardstock like puzzle pieces. It's all over the internet and instructables already but if you're new to the term basically the idea works like this: You create a 3D model, or take an existing one, and 'unfold' it. So, I've been eyeing this process called Pepakura for quite a while now.